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Covid-19 Precautions & Safety at the Farm

The safety of our guests and staff is our number one priority! In order to keep our community safe and adhere to public health and government regulations, please be advised of the following protocols that are necessary at the farm during the COVID pandemic:

  • MASKS are optional in all indoor spaces, including the farm store, winery and washrooms. All pick-your-own items must be paid through the farm store. 

  • Access to our farm property and farm store will be monitored and restricted to appropriate numbers to maintain physical distancing requirements. 

  • Entrances, exits, and line-ups will be marked or communicated by staff, to control the flow of pedestrian traffic and maintain physical distancing requirements. We ask that you please abide by these directional cues.

  • Strict sanitization guidelines and cleaning procedures have been put into place around the farm, including washrooms, food prep areas, points of purchase, and common areas.

  • Please do not visit the farm if you are exhibiting signs of illness or if you have recently been in contact with anyone who has been feeling unwell. 

Should you have any questions, please contact farmstore@ or 905-878-5807 x101

Thank you for supporting local food and your community farm!

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